- Engineering Students: Offers a tactile approach to explore structural concepts, significantly enhancing theoretical lessons.
- Educators: An invaluable resource for demonstrating structural principles and fostering an interactive learning environment.
- Professional Engineers: Serves as a practical refresher on structural Behaviour, ideal for experienced engineers revisiting essential engineering concepts.
The efficacy and educational value of the Structural Model Kit have been affirmed by thorough reviews from two leading academic institutions. Their positive feedback confirms that our approach is both innovative and on the right track for fostering a deeper understanding of structural engineering principles.
Dr Antony Darby, Bath University
Reader in the Department of Architecture and Civil Engineering
Dr Fiona Gleed
Open University
Mark and I have had a chance to play with it now. Overall, I think it really hits the mark in terms of the flexibility of the system and addressing the main shortcoming of students understanding of structures – their inability to sketch deflected shapes! Conceptually, I really like it. I don’t quite follow exactly the approach in your book when I teach statics, but deflected shapes are certainly a key component, particularly identifying points of contraflexure and locations of the sides of elements in tension and working out directions of reactions.
I have managed to have a go with the kit and can see it being a really useful prop for online tutorials, used with a visualiser. I can see it being very useful to work with a small group of students. I would probably look to mark up some sheets in advance with the initial set-up, to speed assembly and provide a reference for the unloaded condition.